Hapuna Beach

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Addendum: How to Look American

This afternoon I walked home from school on a glorious day with the atmosphere sunshine-warmed—to 50+ degrees even—and sunshine-lit to a brightness validating the wearing of sunglasses. While still on post, I passed a GI waiting at a bus stop. We both nodded and smiled. Then he read from a paper a phrase in halting and poorly pronounced Korean...because, apparently he was a newcomer. Having no idea what he meant to say, I laughed and said, "Ooooh, I don't know!" Momentarily startled, he took a second look at me—a good hard look, this time—and replied, "Oops, my bad!"

Okay, I did have sunglasses concealing my eyes, but seriously...Korean?! May I add that I was also wearing running shoes and toting a backpack!

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