Hapuna Beach

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Gratitude List: 10 Physical Abilities

[For this list, I interpret physical ability to mean what I can do and express because I have a physical body.]

1.  I can THINK and I can LEARN.

2.  I have FIVE SENSES that all work: I can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. Not only do the senses immeasurably enhance the quality of life, they are portals for learning and understanding.


4.  I can WALK and RUN.  Both make my life better in very obvious and practical ways, but they also bring me joy.  A walk or a run can really clear my head and often opens me up creatively, intellectually, and spiritually.

5.  I can TEACH.  In my life teaching has saved me over and over again.

6.  I can DANCE--in my own way, of course.  (A ballerina is the first thing I remember wanting to be someday when I grew up.)

7.   I am an IDEALIST, an OPTIMIST, . . . or is it a ROMANTIC?!

8.  I have a SENSE of ADVENTURE--or so I've been told on countless occasions. Maybe it is really a combination of restlessness, wanderlust, and curiosity.

9.  ACCEPTING of CHANGE:  Although it certainly can be stressful, change doesn't mess me up as much as it does many people.  I have often found change to be rejuvenating, a chance to start over smarter.

10.  CARTWHEELS--I don't ever remember not knowing how to do one: I just could.